Home Sweet Home!
Am soooooo glad to be back home and we can instantly heave a sign of relief the moment our flight touched down Changi Airport on Wednesday. The trip is waayyyy tooooo long so much so that my boss and I were really home-sicked! But it was a good trip though. For those who have seen the news on TV and Papers, Yeah! Our product will be taking off in Japan by end of this month, if not, early April. Japan is definately a very tough but huge market. Hopefully we'll be able to do well there.
I seriously do not have much pix to post up here coz most of the time, we're either freezing our arse off, trying to find somewhere to hide or we're just too tired. After participating in 2 overseas trade show, this is one of the busiest show I've done! I think I've mentioned at least 1,000 times of "hai, dozo" (meaning "yes, please") and probably another 1,000 times of "arigatou" (meaning "thank you"). Under the Singapore Pavilion, we're infact the busiest booth since we serve FREE coffee! My poor japanese counterparts were just as busy. They were either helping us to serve coffee or bringing all the possible networks to our booth and introduce to my boss. Imagine that we were standing on our heels as well! Ok, we asked for it since we like to be *ahem* pretty! Wearing suits with flats is definately a big No-No!!
Shopping was great too despite our super tight schedule. Fortunately our exhibition area is near a factory outlet so it wasn't that bad like Paris. And on Friday, immediately after our exhibition, we headed straight down to Shinjuku to grab all our shopping - My Burberry Blue Label Bag! It's a super worth buy and I guess most of the exhibitors grabbed at least 1 item from blue label before heading back Singapore since you can't get it here either. And thank god for the domestic flight to Fukuoka which takes off from Narita Terminal 2, I managed to grab a pretty giant Peko who can dance! It's really super duper Cute ok!
The domestic flight to Fukuoka is a really scary one. I reckoned that it's even more scary than a roller-coster ride! It's a 130-seater flight and with such strong winds, we seriously have wild thoughts that the plane wouldn't land at all! And when we did able to land safely, I felt really floaty! Fortunately I did not puke though I did suffer from a bad headache.
We managed to catch the blooming white Sakura along the streets in Fukuoka! Pretty!

Fukuoka is a really nice place. The pace of life there is definately much slower, so don't expect it to be like Tokyo even though it's 'town' area, i.e. the Canal City is bustling with more activities. It's really samll and within 1 day, you can somehow see the whole place. Taking their subways is also much easier. Unlike in Tokyo....it's freaking complicating! We had a market survey in that place where they brought us to their logistic centre, equivalent to the GLS in Singapore. In layman's term, their central warehouse area. It's there that we got a chance to experience -25 degrees, where they store the frozen food products from overseas. Indeed an eye opener.
The government of Fukuoka is indeed very kind to provide us with Bento for lunch during the trade mission there.

Looks yummy on the outside, but tastes really cold and bad on the inside! Well, maybe they do not have the facilities to heat up the food, so we had cold Bento for 2 days during the event. Fortunately for the convenience store downstairs our hotel, they sell Yummy Fried Chicken drumstick! Sometimes I take that for breakfast. Heehee... But food in Japan generally tastes yummy. Even those fast food restuarant type or along the streets. We even had Yaktai (duno if it's the correct spelling). Anyway, it means street hawker food I think, where we had really good Kyushu ramen!
Oh! Side track a little. One of the exhibitors and some officials from our local govenment sector had really spooky experience at the hotel we're staying in Fukuoka. And they actually shifted out that night and the very next day respectively without our knowledge coz they did not want to scare us! The best part, the very haunted room is just directly opposite to ours!! It's really scary such that my family and friends all had the goosebumps when I told them. And the victims, they were indeed tramautised! They refused to reveal anything until the day we were at the airport, ready to depart for home. Later did we realised that some other exhibitors had bad nightmares/experiences as well and it seemed pretty related to the victim's encounter. It was indeed a close shave for us! Phew! Anyway, am not gona relate the haunting story here. Unless you want to give yourself a good scare, then give me a buzz and I'll relate it to you. *goosebumps again now*
And back to Fukuoka....we somehow walked and walked and came past the Fukuoka Yahoo! Dome! It's actually a STADIUM! How cool is that ya!

And HRC Fukuoka is located there as well! Was really lucky to chance upon it actually and I grabbed quite a lot of stuffs there.

I lost quite a bit of weight for this trip even though I had 3 main meals, snacks in between, with A LOT of Carbo intake ! So now that I'm back, I'm gona put on weight again coz I know I look horrid with a terribly unchubby face! Muahaha
Upon my sis verification, it did snowed in Tokyo while I was there, BUT, it was not at our area!! *humph*....Fortunately for the contractors staying in Asakusa, they saw and experienced snow, which unfortunately, NONE OF US BELIEVED THEM!! muahahaha....Hmm....maybe I shall give one of them a call tomorrow. So we were wrong about them after all! *rolls eyes*
That's about it. Super busy days ahead. Feeling the Monday bluesss already. ^_^
I seriously do not have much pix to post up here coz most of the time, we're either freezing our arse off, trying to find somewhere to hide or we're just too tired. After participating in 2 overseas trade show, this is one of the busiest show I've done! I think I've mentioned at least 1,000 times of "hai, dozo" (meaning "yes, please") and probably another 1,000 times of "arigatou" (meaning "thank you"). Under the Singapore Pavilion, we're infact the busiest booth since we serve FREE coffee! My poor japanese counterparts were just as busy. They were either helping us to serve coffee or bringing all the possible networks to our booth and introduce to my boss. Imagine that we were standing on our heels as well! Ok, we asked for it since we like to be *ahem* pretty! Wearing suits with flats is definately a big No-No!!
Shopping was great too despite our super tight schedule. Fortunately our exhibition area is near a factory outlet so it wasn't that bad like Paris. And on Friday, immediately after our exhibition, we headed straight down to Shinjuku to grab all our shopping - My Burberry Blue Label Bag! It's a super worth buy and I guess most of the exhibitors grabbed at least 1 item from blue label before heading back Singapore since you can't get it here either. And thank god for the domestic flight to Fukuoka which takes off from Narita Terminal 2, I managed to grab a pretty giant Peko who can dance! It's really super duper Cute ok!
The domestic flight to Fukuoka is a really scary one. I reckoned that it's even more scary than a roller-coster ride! It's a 130-seater flight and with such strong winds, we seriously have wild thoughts that the plane wouldn't land at all! And when we did able to land safely, I felt really floaty! Fortunately I did not puke though I did suffer from a bad headache.
We managed to catch the blooming white Sakura along the streets in Fukuoka! Pretty!

Fukuoka is a really nice place. The pace of life there is definately much slower, so don't expect it to be like Tokyo even though it's 'town' area, i.e. the Canal City is bustling with more activities. It's really samll and within 1 day, you can somehow see the whole place. Taking their subways is also much easier. Unlike in Tokyo....it's freaking complicating! We had a market survey in that place where they brought us to their logistic centre, equivalent to the GLS in Singapore. In layman's term, their central warehouse area. It's there that we got a chance to experience -25 degrees, where they store the frozen food products from overseas. Indeed an eye opener.
The government of Fukuoka is indeed very kind to provide us with Bento for lunch during the trade mission there.

Looks yummy on the outside, but tastes really cold and bad on the inside! Well, maybe they do not have the facilities to heat up the food, so we had cold Bento for 2 days during the event. Fortunately for the convenience store downstairs our hotel, they sell Yummy Fried Chicken drumstick! Sometimes I take that for breakfast. Heehee... But food in Japan generally tastes yummy. Even those fast food restuarant type or along the streets. We even had Yaktai (duno if it's the correct spelling). Anyway, it means street hawker food I think, where we had really good Kyushu ramen!
Oh! Side track a little. One of the exhibitors and some officials from our local govenment sector had really spooky experience at the hotel we're staying in Fukuoka. And they actually shifted out that night and the very next day respectively without our knowledge coz they did not want to scare us! The best part, the very haunted room is just directly opposite to ours!! It's really scary such that my family and friends all had the goosebumps when I told them. And the victims, they were indeed tramautised! They refused to reveal anything until the day we were at the airport, ready to depart for home. Later did we realised that some other exhibitors had bad nightmares/experiences as well and it seemed pretty related to the victim's encounter. It was indeed a close shave for us! Phew! Anyway, am not gona relate the haunting story here. Unless you want to give yourself a good scare, then give me a buzz and I'll relate it to you. *goosebumps again now*
And back to Fukuoka....we somehow walked and walked and came past the Fukuoka Yahoo! Dome! It's actually a STADIUM! How cool is that ya!

And HRC Fukuoka is located there as well! Was really lucky to chance upon it actually and I grabbed quite a lot of stuffs there.

I lost quite a bit of weight for this trip even though I had 3 main meals, snacks in between, with A LOT of Carbo intake ! So now that I'm back, I'm gona put on weight again coz I know I look horrid with a terribly unchubby face! Muahaha
Upon my sis verification, it did snowed in Tokyo while I was there, BUT, it was not at our area!! *humph*....Fortunately for the contractors staying in Asakusa, they saw and experienced snow, which unfortunately, NONE OF US BELIEVED THEM!! muahahaha....Hmm....maybe I shall give one of them a call tomorrow. So we were wrong about them after all! *rolls eyes*
That's about it. Super busy days ahead. Feeling the Monday bluesss already. ^_^
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