Juz only 2 days but seemed like a billion of years that I've not been blogging. Prolly due to my busy work schedule plus, I've not been feeling very well for the past 2 days. Thursday headache, Friday Stomache. Tink ate too much junk food so suffered from indigestion. I'm glad I was ok this morning to do my road show for the SIM Open House. Boring road show and I was there practically smacking mosquitoes the whole day except from 2pm - 4pm where I went to collect my graduation gown and met some old friends there.

My colleague, Geraldine was really sweet to accompany me and collect my gown since she used to work there. She did a great job in helping me choose the correct size of the gown and mortar-board cap. Really love the colour of the sash! Tink it's an extremely sweet colour! muahaha

And the mortar board cap. I tink I really look super 'gong gong' in it!! Damnz! So I got Winne the Pooh to pose in it instead lor! heh heh
Anyway, somehow the people at Creative got the power to make you spend money!! muahaha...And I spent a total of *gasp* $245!! Ok, here's the breakdown.
1. $60 for 4 tix for my family (Parents, Brother and Sister)
2. $60 for stage photo with wooden frame and my Uni's logo
3. $20 for Gown Rental
4. $105 for the Plaque
And that's excluding the studio photo package that I'm intending to take i.e. With my family, then my Brother and Sister also wearing their gown. The typical "Quan Jia Fu" pix lor. And that's prolly another $200+ or so. And I'm intending to get the Sasha bear as well, which has sewed on stiches of my name and Uni. But I'm still considering that lor, coz like not very worth it. everything oso muz pay!!
Back track to Thursday where I went to SIM for the Site visit. Brought back nice memories of my days in school. Everything seemed so familiar. Geraldine and I started to get bored so we sat down and took pix! muahahaha

Geraldine caught me on camera while I was on the fone with the people from our Store! So was quite a candid shot actually.
Anyway, tink in my previous post, I was ranting on the Superstar. I'm really surprised by the results. Really unexpected. But female side, I was expecting F2 to get in, coz I tink her voice is much better, but F1 is more of the "Boy-Boy Killer", so I guess she has a much stronger fan based as compared to F2. But I dun really like F1, coz I tink she tries hard to "teh" and Act Cute, which is such a Turn-Off!! We shall see if the results in the finals is what most of us have already anticipated, i.e. Winner = Female!
Another photoblog again. Guess my thoughts are pretty disorganised today as my brain cells are not functioning properly. It's bed time!! *yawnz*...
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