Saturday, October 20, 2007

Black Monday

I dread Mondays especially tomorrow. Something big & bad happened @ work and I know my big bosses are going to summon all those parties involved, including me to clarify matters I guess. Unfortunately, being in a "sua tai ji" working society (which I reckoned that it happens everywhere), seems that there's someone who's trying to sabotage me & another of my colleague. Seriously, it's not as if we're all trying to pin-point fingers around, but it's more of how we should put our heads together to solve the problem on hand. Sadly, it's not the case. Maybe some people wants to protect their arse and are afraid they have to bear the consequences so they have to conveniently find a scapegoat should be boss quesstion them. Whatever the case, it is just my own assumption. I may be wrong. But I just feel very tired having to handle such issues when it probably should not be even my problem in the first place! I'm pretty ready to face the music on Monday even though I know I've done nothing wrong or anything against my conscience. It's just that sometimes things like that does make me want to quit at times. I really need to psyhsco myself real hard that "It's only just a job!" in order to hang in there! Guess I should really wear more bullet-proof vests to work with effect from tomorrow!!

Well, on a totally irrelevant note, my gals including my sis and I actually went to City Plaza to shop and eat yesterday. Seriously, I've never been to that place in my entire 26 years of being alive! Unfortunately, the place was real disappointing and it's not as fantastic as what people had claimed to be. Maybe I had too much hope and expectations, only to get it all dashed when we really browsed through all the 'trashy' clothes. It does not help either when almost ALL the salesgirls there are as if having their PMS! The irony is that even though the shops there are all wholesalers, the price there isn't really cheap at all! Then we had the so-called apparently famous Fried Chicken there....Arnold's Fried Chicken. It's definately been over-rated. No doubt the chicken is tender and juicy, it's almost tasteless! And there's this "siap-siap" after-taste to the tongue after you finished eating. Anyway, it's gona be the first and last time I'll be eating it and going to City Plaza ever again. My personal rating for the whole experience there: 1/10

On a happier note, come this Saturday, I have a date with my buddies and sis to head on St. James. Not too sure if it will materialise though as we keep procrastinating! Wahahaha....Anyway, I've only been there once for an event trade launch. After all, I'm not a clubber to begin with. But it'll be good to go there, go crazy with the gals and forget all the problems on hand; and of coz to oggle at guys. Wahahaha....Then after which, November will come and there goes my social life. *sob sob*...Oh well, enough of ranting. Off to dinner soon and may this week be a smooth sailing one *keeps fingers crossed*. Wish me luck!


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