Bloody B*stards Again!! ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrg
Just as I taut all is going smoothly for me...was being saboed and backstabbed by the same bloody b*stard again today. And now, there's not only 1, but 2 bloody b*stards. They belong to the same category. Well, b*stards of the same feather flock together. They are one of a kind...Shitty Arseholes Idiotic F**CKING B*STARDS! I hoped that they:-
1. Kana choked and die on their own saliva
2. Die of constipation, and drown in their own SHIT!
3. Kana hit by the soccer ball and go into a comatose
4. The lamp post falls on them instead of some other innocent ppl
5. Best!! Kana strike by lightning since they do so much evil things
6. Slipped, fall and die while stepping on dog's faeces
Why the disembered body found in Kallang River isn't theirs, instead of some innocent ppl who prolly dun deserve to die. The world is so unfair. I hate it!...
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