Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm finally back to blog!! Hectic weeks that came and went, and me not remembering exactly what I did. And when I had wanted to blog so much, it's either the internet connection's fault; the Mozilla Firefox's fault; or blogspot's fault! I just can't get into my homepage. Pissed! Anyway, I've like so many things to say....but not knowing where to start....Heehee....okay, let's start with the more bo liao topics.

Taken during my last road show. I think I can be such a crappy person that I seriously wonder how my family and friends can tahan me! *rolls eyes*....Anyway, I know this is such a FUGLY pix...and to think that I can do unbelievable things like this. Image Image!!!

That's for the Fake pair of Shrek's eyes......Now, for my NEW pair of eyes!! *blink blink*

Yeaps...this is kinda long overdued pix.....was taken the 2nd day, after I woke up and being able to see everything CLEARLY!! It's kinda Fugly pix as well, no make-up nothing and my eye lids were swollen from the clampping. Anyway, my eyes are pretty alright now. Still see halos at night but it's getting better each day. Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll totally go off soon. 2 more reviews to go before the doctor can officially "discharge" me.

Random pix of my crappy colleague as well....*birds of the same feather flocks together* Muahaha....Yupz, he's trying to make my Noody doll to *gasp* point its middle finger! Oh! that day one of my buddies was telling me her company does not allow them to place cutsy stuffs on their workstation! OMG!! I think that sounds ridiculous! I think I'll lose all motivation to work if it happens to me!

Patria's Birthday!!!.....

It was an early birthday celebration for one of my ex-colleagues, Patria! Close to full attendence, with 12 pax in total!

Patria, Moi and Sheena!....Haiz...and now, I'm the only survivor in the company. All are like taking turns to leave....Hmm....

We celebrated for her @ Brewerks in Riverside point. Great ambience, good beer, but sucky food.

Nice from far, far from nice. The lamb shank is good though. I'm already making plans to go with my sis & buddies there soon, but currently it seems that all our schdule clashes! Will see how it goes.

Chill out with my buddies on Friday!....We had dinner @ Din Tai Feng, before heading to our favourite hangout - Somerset's Coffee Club to bitch. Oh, there were 2 thorns not included inside the pix! Muahahahaha

Lovely! Friends like them keeps your sanity!

Back to more serious stuffs...that day I was at my crossroads again. Contemplating to move on to a greener pasture at that point in time. Probably it was due to work stress and it doesn't help when people keep bugging you for things. Hopefully I'll get over this phase again, like how it used to be. Work sucks at times! *pouts*

I'll be off to Tokyo again tonight for business. The thought of an 8-hours meeting on Wednesday makes me wana puke! Tuesday will be just as bad. Only tomorrow will make my boss and I happy gals, coz it's Shopping time!! Muahaha....But I promise myself that I shall not exceed my SGD300 (that's exclusing credit card!), IF I can help it!

Updates when I'm back! Byeee...Take Care people!


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