Ok, no doubt the 2 stations have merged...it's still 2 different channels with a different target audience altogether. Juz got back not long from the press conference of the new branding and programming of Channel U. Impressive!! Stay tunned to the channel as there're lotsa good shows coming up. Best of all, me saw quite a no. of celebrities!! Let me see...got most of the finalist of the Superstar Projects e.g. Silver Ang, Ruth, Shi Xing Hui, Leon...duno wat...and some other guys lah. Of coz not forgetting Kelly Poon and Weilian!!! OMG! I tell you! Weilian looks so good in real person ok!! I'm falling in love with him!! And he sings so damn bloody well juz now...great performace as compared to the finals. Conclusion: He cannot sing well under pressure. Anyway, I still Love him! He's my IDOL now!! muahahhaah *blush*...Junyang leh, not bad looking lah...those boyish looking type but not really my type. Singing wise...taut he sings like JJ Lin Junjie...so dun hab his own personal style. Based on my own analysis, I guess the reason why Weilian won is becoz of his personality. He gives ppl the kind of warm and sincere feel. The moment u look at him...u'll be like...aiya! duno how to describe lor. *Weilian,
Wo Yong Yuan Zhi Chi Ni!!*....Kelly Poon was quite disappointing. Thought she's only juz not telegenic...however, she dun look really fabulous in real person as well. She's quite petite lor. But I dun deny that she can sing quite well...unique voice. Shi Xin Hui...the dress sense still CMI leh. Well, maybe she still got budget constrain. *roll eyes* But she ah...say the wrong thing until my manager and I laughed until we nearly fall off the chair!
Tay Ping Hui was there too...and Michelle Chia, Belinda Lee, Fiona Xie, Ben Yeo, Guo Liang...MCs for the event was Kym Ng and Bryan. And here's really the best part of the entire show...The stars from Hong Kong!! Charmaine Seah (She Si Man)...and duno tis 2 other Hong Kong actors, who are sooooo damn yandao that I juz feel like getting off my seat, run up to them and gib them a hug!! muahahahhaahhaah *drool*...And She Si Man is SOOOOOOOO
PRETTY!!! Fantabulous figure with great looks to match!
Well, juz stay tunned to Channel U, as it's gona be a whole new experience watching TeeBee! Hey, I'm not being paid to advertise for them ok...juz tat their programs are indeed more suitable for ppl of our age.
The only regret today is not being able to take fotos of the celebrities. It's actually a press conference or rather, a trade show...so it's more of a formal kind of thing. Since it's a trade show, the ppl who attended are super serious and solemn type lor. And I guess, photography is not allowed anyway...plus, I tink I'll be the only person there who is star-struck and start taking pix, which makes me the odd one out! But of coz got the press there lah, so I guess they may published it out in 8 days or U Zhou-Kan next week or wat.
Definately a good expeience. Next month I'll be attending a Fashion Show. Guess it should be another eye-opener again for me. Yeaps...I do love my job at times, provided nothing screws up!

The nice invitation card, which I prolly would keep as a sourvenir! :D